Mr. Davis
Mr. Davis Majored in Communication Studies at California State University San Bernardino, focusing on Human Communications and Rhetoric. Out side of journalism and school he is interested in all thing super hero and Star wars, board games and has been a soccer coach for 30 years.
He believes that a student run news paper is important to the culture of a schools campus because it give students a voice in their community, it also gives the opportunity do discuss clubs, sports ,events on campus that other wise might be ignored.
Ray Martinez
Hello, I’m a sophomore here at Eisenhower starting my first year as Vice President of the club, as well as Editor-In-Chief! I’m very excited for the future of the newspaper, & working hard to do what I can. Aside from journalism club, I also play volleyball, & perform with our choir Madrigals! I plan to become an actual journalist once I’m older, specifically an investigative reporter, so I’m very fond of on-field research.
I’m involved in our school paper because of the voice it gives me & our fellow students. This newspaper genuinely gives out the feeling that I’m doing something, & being heard at the same time. A school newspaper is important because it relates to the student body, & that’s extremely crucial to finding others who have the same interests & hobbies!
Justin Dominguez
My name is Justin Dominguez, I'm a boxer who loves to socialize with anybody. My career goal is to become an exotic veterinarian with my own clinic. I want to pursue this career going to Fullerton as my university of choice. I want to become very successful in my high school career, possibly becoming valedictorian and taking as many AP classes as I can.
I'm involved in the school newspaper because I want to help everybody be informed about their surroundings and what occurs inside their community. I believe it's important to have a student-run newspaper because students are mainly active inside of their school activities. Going to sports or events like homecoming, the students who attend these activities would create a newspaper informing the students who couldn't attend.
Position Available
List Body
Position Available
Design the website, Keeps the website up to date
Position is Available
Position Available
Edits all photo content placed on the website
Position Available
Head of the Academic section of the paper
If you are interested in joining our Editorial team please reach out to the Faculty Advisors

I’m a junior now at Eisenhower starting my first year in Journalism with an emphasis in sports journalism articles. Outside of writing articles, I play football, soccer and basketball. My favorite teams are the 49ers, Everton FC, LA Lakers, but most of all USC. I’m also a musician, playing bass, drums & acoustic guitar. I’m interested in all music alternative and cultures countered, alongside computer science and social activism. I plan on being a licensed clinical social worker and prominent activist in Los Angeles when I am older, and I hope to find new perspectives and better ways to call to action through this paper.
I’m involved in the newspaper because I have always loved writing and journaling about things that are very interesting to me, things that I like and the beliefs I hold. This newspaper wll give me an outlet to keep all of the students of Eisenhower properly informed not just on the games around all the athletics, but also social issues, problems with conformity, denunciation of common bullying and the promotion of mental health. It is important to have a student run school paper to make sure that all students are aware of their surroundings and are able to properly make their own decisions and opinions knowing they learned from a reliable source rather than word of mouth, as well as give the students of Eisenhower a voice and exercise their rights of freedom of press.
I'm a sophomore here at Eisenhower High School. This is my first time joining a club. I'm excited to contribute to ikes newspaper and for what comes in the future for this club. Aside from journalism, I am looking forward to maybe joining other clubs this year and better my high school experience!!
I became involved in this club since I have an interest for writing and was looking to better my high school experience. Ike Newspaper seemed to me like an interesting club to be involved in, It was one of the first clubs to catch my attention. I also believe that having a student run newspaper is important since students know what other students are interested in. This way it's most likely they know how to catch student's attention to important topics through the newspaper.
I am a Junior here at Ike, and this is my first year as one of the club's photographers. I’m excited to join the club and improve my photography skills while helping the club. Besides photography, I enjoy spending time outdoors and spending time with my family and friends. I enjoy playing video games when I have spare time usually with my brother and my favorite game currently is Fallout New Vegas.
I’m involved in the school newspaper because I want to help out and improve my photography skills at the same time. It’s important to have a student-run newspaper because it helps the student body share and voice their opinions, interests, and concerns with the school. It’s also another way for students to express themselves and improve their writing/communication skills at the same time.
I'm a boxer who loves to socialize with anybody. My career goal is to become an exotic veterinarian with my own clinic. I want to pursue this career going to Fullerton as my university of choice. I want to become very successful in my high school career, possibly becoming valedictorian and taking as many AP classes as I can.
I'm involved in the school newspaper because I want to help everybody be informed about their surroundings and what occurs inside their community. I believe it's important to have a student-run newspaper because students are mainly active inside of their school activities. Going to sports or events like homecoming, the students who attend these activities would create a newspaper informing the students who couldn't attend.
I’m a Junior here at Eisenhower High School. This is my first year in the newspaper club and I am very excited to start this journey with this club. I can’t wait to make new friends, write about my interests, and things going on in the world. I plan on maybe taking this seriously in the future with becoming an investigative reporter or a fashion reporter!
I’m involved in our school newspapers because it plays a vital role in keeping students informed about current events, news, and issues within their community, region, and the world. Being part of that is a fantastic experience, offering numerous benefits. Joining can be a rewarding and enriching experience that helps grow both personally and professionally. Overall, being involved with a newspaper, whether as a reader, writer, or supporter, I am extremely happy with being able to try something new and share ideas, peers, and stories with my peers and students!
I’m a senior here at Eisenhower High School that enjoys listening to different kinds of music genres. This is my first year here in the school newspaper, but I’m excited to be here as I plan to provide almost weekly news about the different kinds of music I listen to. I’ll provide different songs from each artist that I talk about each week hoping you at least enjoy the different songs I provide from artists. It’s important to have the school newspaper today to explore different things as well, exploring different kinds of music is exciting with how many different genres are out in the world.
I’m involved in the school newspaper as I wanted to tell people about the different kinds of music I listen to as it changes every week with new artists I discover or the same artists I’ve known for years. Being involved would help me see if other people in the school have the same music taste as me wanting to talk a little bit more about them with others. It’s important to have students run a school paper allowing students and teachers to see a different perspective of us outside of school.
I am in my senior year of high school. I am a member of the journalism club, but am also involved as a member in sobobans and also take part in the eisenhower band and orchestra. I strive to see how great journalism will grow into not just a school club, but a place where staff and students can also discuss and share their interests around people like them.
I am involved in the school newspaper because it’s nice to know that you can view events from school or around the world from a students perspective, knowing that the articles made are student based after all. I also joined because the newspaper makes you stand out for college applications and as a student, dedicating time outside of the usual classes in school. Students in journalism will realize that other students in the same newspaper will realize that they already have something in common, so it is nice to see people getting along and connecting with one another.
I am a sophomore and this is my first year in Journalism. Aside from Journalism I am also in Speech and debate and the Dual enrollment program. I want to be a software engineer when I grow up.
I am involved in the school newspaper because I want to share my interests with the school. I believe that it is important to have a student-run newspaper because the students know what the students are interested in and want to read. We are students so we know what students want to read.
I'm a sophomore attending Eisenhower high school. This is my first year in this club. I like to do my makeup, dye my hair, hangout with my family, boyfriend, and friends. I plan to be a therapist when I'm older so the plan is to go to college right after high school to study psychology to be eligible for that position.
I'm involved I'm the school's newspaper so that my voice and opinions are heard. It's very important to have a school paper because it's a way for the students to express their opinions on matters. It can benefit both other students and staff reading.
I’m a sophomore at Eisenhower. This is my second year in journalism and I am hoping to run for historian for the journalism club. Journalism has really helped expand my writing performance and increase the speed of my writing. Besides journalism I'm also in water polo and swimming, next year I'm going to be captain for both. I'm also one of the managers for boy’s water polo. I mostly do journalism for fun but it is very beneficial.
I am involved in the school newspaper because it gives me the opportunity to be heard and to have a voice on what I think it's important. Sometimes we cover news that is going on in the world and I think that's very important. I also think that it's relevant to have the students run the newspaper because the readers, who are mostly kids that attend Eisenhower as well, get to feel connected and understood.
I work for the Golden Gazelle as one of their photographers. I’m a senior at Eisenhower, and enjoy learning about different creative media and the ocean. I look forward to working as a member of the school newspaper team and learning more about the world around me.
I joined after my photography teacher informed me that they were looking for photographers to help take pictures for the school’s newspaper. I thought about it, and with my limited time in Eisenhower, I went for it. I believe that having a student-run newspaper is vital for a school’s community to thrive, as it allows students to find new opportunities to explore and feel more involved with their school and the communities built during high school.
I am a sophomore here at IKE, and this is my second year being in journalism. I am super excited to see how the year goes about and hopefully meet new people along the way! Apart from journalism I am also on the tennis team and enjoy things like reading and baking. I hope to one day be a psychiatrist which is why I write about mental health.
​I joined journalism my freshman year because I wanted to be involved in school and I found out Journalism was the best way to do it! When being a part of journalism you get the opportunity to research your favorite topics, meet new people and express your opinions. I believe that having a student-run newspaper helps prepare our students for the responsibilities of the real world. Not only that but it has allowed us to become more outgoing and be open minded.

Student Run. Community Read.
Eisenhower High school students wanted to be heard, deserved to be heard. Starting with just one voice, one student, change happened at Eisenhower High School in the form of a new student newspaper. Now 6 years in, hundreds of articles published and30 plus students strong, Eisenhower High School students have their voice.
The Golden Gazette started in the summer of 2019 and will continue to grow and evolve with the students of Eisenhower High School. We strive to cover a wide variety of campus events, covering stories with quality writing and photography while demonstrating journalistic ethics.