By De'Kree Antone

One Night in Miami is a fictionalized account of the real February 1964 meeting of Malcolm X, Muhammad Ali, Jim Brown, and Sam Cooke in a room at the Hampton House, celebrating Ali's surprise title win over Sonny Liston that is directed and produced by the sensational actress Regina King.
She captured a great perspective of four men that changed history for the better. Regina King depicted a beautiful image of how human rights civil activist Malcolm X, songwriter Sam Cooke, Heavyweight champion Muhamad Ali, and NFL legend and later on actor Jim Brown talked about that one night in Miami and the following historical accounts which followed after that night.
In the movie, people can witness the frustrations and tribulations in which these men may have had to face due to political and social standpoints of success and power. They mention many sensitive topics throughout the film but were addressed in the perfect way for the perspective and personalities of these great men.
This movie is not like most black history movies, it has many lighthearted parts and yet states historical facts perfectly, which allows people from different backgrounds to understand what it must have been like in that era in time. This film is extremely underrated and many more should watch this unheard-of historical event that changed those four men and society for the absolute best. Brotherhood, love, unification, and growth is experienced from the beginning and end of the movie.