Grades? Already? With progress reports coming and many are trying to raise their grade and get themselves in order, here are some simple quick tips to help you stay on track with school and possibly on other occasional events.
First would be the classic Agenda. Now you may have tried it but probably forgot about it about a week in but try putting it somewhere noticeable. So maybe on top of your computer. You could look and check off all the assignments you’ve done or are missing and you could check on ones that are coming up, before and after school. Another spot would be to hang it up on your door or on the side of your bed. You could also put personal events that need to be done throughout the day such as chores.
On the other hand, you could always make a schedule for yourself. Personally I use this method for myself and it helps me stay on top of my work especially with extracurriculars. You could put alarms on your phone and label them to remind you of the things you need to. For example, class starts at 8:40 am, therefore if you set up an alarm at 7:30am you’ll have plenty of time to get ready and set up your work space, maybe even catch up on some work before the first class. If you're in a club(s) a schedule is a big help, and I highly recommend it.
Moving on to your environment whether it’s your room, a home office, even in your living room make sure everything is clean and in place. This doesn’t seem like such a big thing but not having a clutter around you prevents the mind and body from feeling so stressed and pressured. Along with being in a comfortable position like having a good chair and enough space around you . So a clean and quiet environment does help you think better and feel less stressed.
I hope these methods helped out in a way or gave you some ideas on how to organize yourself a bit more and stay on top of your work!