By Aidan Keo
1981 and 1983. Those were the last years that the boys and girls cross-country teams won a league championship. The 39-year drought was unprecedented for Eisenhower sports, a very decorated program. To end a drought you need a storm, and boy oh boy did a storm come.

If you didn’t know, cross-country is a team sport where athletes run 3 miles through hills, grass, paths, and natural terrain. Eisenhower's head coaches Mark Bibian and Denise Lopez have been developing and leading the cross-country team for many years. They ran and won championships for Rialto High School, so they definitely have experience. Last year they almost achieved their dream. The boys teams won the first two races, instilling the runners with a brash bravado. However, they dropped to third place at the third meet. Winning the third meet would have clinched the league title. But the way the league finals in cross-country works is that the last race counts as two races when it comes to standings. It became a tossup between the top three schools - Eisenhower, Rialto, and Rim of the World. Whoever won the final meet would have won the whole league based off of points and tiebreakers. Eisenhower did not win this meet, instead getting second place and second place in the league standings. The girls team also did not win the league, however, both teams were invited to the CIF qualifiers.
Last year’s seniors graduated and their impact and leadership was missed, but there was plenty of new blood to fill their places. Whether they were migrating from track and field, a freshman, or an upperclassman trying something new, they were eager to run. The boys varsity team had 3 juniors and 4 sophomores. The boys Varsity team remained consistent throughout the season, while the girls team had runners from all classes and shifted throughout the season. The boys dominated the first two races, winning the races by margins of 26 and 29 points. However, the next race was the same course the team dropped the previous season. To prepare, the team went to the course (Jerry Eaves Park) at least once a week throughout the season. This proved very effective, as the boys teams blasted through the competition, winning by 35 points, with Manuel Pérez taking first place with a time of 17:15. This means it would be very difficult for another to take the league championship. Although the girls didn’t win the league this year, they have a fast and developing group who will surely contend for years to come.
The league final will take place on Saturday, October 29 at Colton High School. Good luck to the cross-country team and here’s to a bright future!