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Spotlight on Eisenhower Principal Mrs. Henriquez-Pulido

Daniel Vega

By Daneil Vega

We’re a semester through a new year and there’s already been so many changes. The campus is under construction, we have converted to smart passes, and probably one of my favorites we have a new principal! Mrs. Pulido, or better known as HP has a long history here at Eisenhower. Most recently you may remember that for the last couple of years she served as an Assistant Principal here at Ike. However, HP has served as a lot of things during her time here, first starting as an Instructional Assistant in Special Education, before becoming an English and Avid teacher, a Yearbook Instructor, and a girl’s basketball coach, but before all that she was an Eagle herself. HP is the prime example of Eagle’s always rising to excellence and rising above. She went from walking these halls as a student, to running them as a Principal. Her story demonstrates to all Eagles that no goal is impossible, no matter what Eagles find a way to fly high. 

As a student HP was involved in Colorguard (then called pageantry) and  basketball. In fact, it was Colorguard which made her excited to come to Ike in the first place, “Talk about tradition of excellence that was our band here and I wanted to come to Ike to be a part of the colorguard. I wanted to be in a successful program”, she said. Along with being a part of Colorguard and Basketball HP says she would definitely describe herself as a nerd in high school. There were several teachers during her time at Ike that HP says showed her the potential that she had and helped her go for the career she has now. These teachers include: Mr. Miller, Mr. Shepherd, Mr. Fellows, and Ms. Alps.  When asked about her favorite music from her time at Eisenhower she stated the Backstreet Boys and NSYNC were high on her list, but she mainly listens to Christian Rap today. 

After graduating from Ike HP went on to the University of La Verne where she got her Bachelor’s degree, after that she received her teaching credential at Brandman University, her Master’s degree from Grand Canyon University, and is currently in her Doctorate program at Cal Baptist. In terms of her college experience, HP describes it as “a lot of fun getting to know people who were different from me because La Verne is a very different community than Rialto”. She talks about having to work three jobs while in college in order to support herself, on top of all of the work college brings. However, “all in all I had really great roommates, I had really great professors, small classes so I was supported a lot. Just a great experience” she said. 

Once she was done with her degree, she came back to work at the same school she attended as a student. As previously stated, HP has worked numerous jobs on campus, from an English teacher, to a girls basketball coach, to ASB Director, to most notably the Principal. Having been a part of this school for so long, HP details the sense of belonging that she feels here everyday. “I met my husband here. My kid took her first steps in the middle of the quad. My son was born the day after our first foam friday. I have on campus people that I’ve known for 15 years. I have people that I went to high school with. You talk about a sense of belonging, there’s no other place where I will feel this at home”. This really has become a special place for her, and not just for her but for so many others. There’s a sense of community that can be felt here at Ike, it’s felt every time the football team steps out onto the field or every time ASB gets crowds fired up at pep rallies. “I think God gives you your family and God gives you people to choose as family too. I get to see people choosing to do what’s right everyday by people who they aren’t related to, and I think that’s really inspiring”, HP had to say about the sense of community at Ike. 

HP is one of our very own. She was raised by Ike, and her story should inspire every single student that walks these halls today that no goal is out of reach. There were people during her time here that taught her all she had to do was go for her dreams, and her personal story of success teaches us the same. Fly High Eagles, no matter what we find a way to soar! 


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