By De'Kree Antone

Those that are reading this, you may be having this inquiry that passes through everyone's mind from time to time, What exactly is Love?
There are many definitions you can find regarding such a noun; meaning we have to see how others define it so we can understand the root of it all for ourselves. Scientist’s say that love is a chemical reaction that triggers your brain and can be turned on and off by our subconscious resulting in attraction and lust. Contradicting that argument, one of the most awed writers in the 14th century William Shakespeare, describes love as an unstoppable force that can stand the test of time. Some may interpret Shakespeare's writing as stubborn yet beautiful.
If you ever watched Disney movies you see the purest love captured on screen. The main character sacrifices so much for the one they love disregarding their flaws and shortcomings and fully accepting the whole person. Whether that be a significant other, family member, or even friend.
Now I asked many of you on campus to answer this mind riveting question that tears professionals apart with its complexity and depth, and what I got out of all your answers was that love is whatever you think it is in the stage of your life. The definition of love for a child will be different from an adult. People's experiences define what love is to them, making this question so complex. It is different for a person that has been taken advantage of compared to a person that is oblivious to heartbreak. Out of the many people that participated in this question, some people that I asked said that acts of service are love. Many people said that it's a feeling that allows someone to care and be cared for unconditionally in any relationship. Frankly, all of those answers are correct for the stage in life that each of you all are in.
As you are reading this and you are thinking of someone that you love, tell them you love them and be one step closer to finding the sanctity of one of the greatest mysteries given to man.
Wonderful article, very well spoken and thought out.